Check out some articles and clips about The Advice Project.

Free Advice makes headlines in Brazil
November, 2014
Two of The Advice Project participants have been offering free advice in Belo Horizonte, Brazil for over a year now. Watch their story on the network show, Brasil das Gerais.

Free Advice Girl: Finalist in International Doc Film Festival!
August, 2013
A crew of documentary filmmakers, Team Blink entered the prestigious International Doc Challenge in hopes of finding a subject that would propel them into the finals. They had 5 days to shoot, edit and produce a short documentary film. Free Advice Girl became a top finalist and premiered at the Hot Docs Film Festival in Toronto, Canada.

The Advice Project: Officially launched
June, 2013
The Advice Project is an ongoing, global community that offers free advice in public spaces throughout the world. Our mission is to create positive connections with strangers.
We have participants in Brazil, Australia, Japan, Canada, Morocco and it's only growing! If you love meeting new people, listening to and helping others, SIGN UP for The Advice Project. You will uplift yourself while uplifting humanity!